Camera Ready

Author Information

Directions for camera-ready submission:
You can use the link to upload your submission.

Please consider the following points:

  1. The final PDF version of your paper, formatted according to LNCS style (LaTeX macros and MS Word style sheets are available on the Springer Verlang web site. Full papers should not exceed 15 pages, including figures, tables and references.
  2. Please include all the source files for your paper, either as a word (.doc or .docx file) file or all latex and supporting files in a single compressed tar file (.tgz) which includes a README file detailing how to build the pdf version. Please name the tar file as follows: [paper#]_[lastname-of-first-author].tgz (example: p07_smith.tgz).
  3. The submission should also include the copyright form that you have printed, signed (no digital signatures) and scanned to a PDF document (.pdf file). The volume title is “IWOMP 2016 — LNCS 9903”. The volume editors are “Naoya Maruyama (RIKEN AICS), Bronis de Supinski (LLNL), Mohamed Wahib (RIKEN AICS)“. One author can sign the form on behalf of all authors. Copyright form the link.
  4. Email the Publication Chair, Mohamed Wahib [], to say that you have completed all your upload.

As soon as possible, but by July 8, 2016 at the latest. Please contact [] if you have any questions.